Լաւ չենք, լաւ պիտի չըլլանք*

(*We are not well, we shall not be well)

We have witnessed a massacre. Young people, who gathered in Suruç in response to the call of the Socialist Youth Associations Federation were aiming to cross into Kobani to build a library and a children’s park, and to make hope blossom once again in defiance of ISIS’s cruelty. Yet they became part of an act of cruelty themselves when a suicide bomber targeted their gathering. Leaving behind pain, anger and rebellion.

Loren Elva, who survived the attack with injuries, and witnessed the death of her friends, rebelled against the kind of everyday life that will continue as if this massacre has not happened with the words, “I am not well, I shall not feel well, and I demand that you do not feel well either”. As AGOS, in order to stand in solidarity with her feeling of indignation, and to produce the power and hope necessary to struggle on we have made her words our headline in Armenian. 

Even a fragmentary knowledge of recent history and the traditions of the State, is unfortunately enough to guess what terrible tricks lie in wait for us in the coming days. It is neither a secret that those who have found their own fields of freedom and opposition in the struggle of the Kurdish people, and those who have facilitated the meeting of people via the true history they share will now be considered dangerous.

These tricks include, first and foremost, the production of the perception that ‘terror’ is spreading as preparations to establish a new government continue, to deny that the AKP is providing operational space for ISIS because of its fear that the Kurdish cantons will unite, and targeting one side of the solution as ‘the terrorist organization and its extension’. May it be our debt to the young people who were murdered that we won’t be tricked, and will follow the path of truth. 


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