1985 doğumlu. Güncel politika, insan hakları, azınlık mülkleri ve Kürt meselesi üzerine haberler yapıyor. Musa Anter Gazetecilik Ödülleri 2008 yılı en iyi haber ödülü sahibi.

Creating an education model with its Kurdish curriculum, day care centers named Zarokistan were closed down, after a trustee was assigned to Kayapınar Municipality. Covenanted employees are dismissed.

Assistant Prof. Erhan Keleşoğlu was a faculty member at Istanbul University International Relations Department and was dismissed on October 2016. He answered the questions of Agos about Reina attack.

Sabri Uzun, who was the chief of Security General Directorate Intelligence Branch before the murder, presented his defence in trial of the public officials who are suspects of Dink murder. Uzun said that the intelligence reports stating that Dink will be murdered hadn't been presented to him and he added that Dink murder is a plot against nationalists.

As part of Dink case, Ahmet İlhan Güler, who was the chief of Istanbul Security Directorate Intelligence Branch at the time of murder, is answering the questions in the court. He claimed that he wasn't informed of the threats against Hrant Dink. He defined the protests targeting Dink as “democratic protests”.

Dink case started. Suspect Engin Dinç, who is the current chief of General Directorate of Security Intelligence Department, is present at the hearing for the first time. Dinç will present his defence today.

Dink murder case continues. It turned out that after Erhan Tuncel was dismissed from the intelligence branch, Trabzon Intelligence Branch called him 34 times and sent a message. The officers say that they don’t know who sent that message.