A foundation for street animals

We interviewed with the 4th grade students of Karagözyan Elementary School, after we learned that they thought about establishing a “Foundation for Protecting Street Animals”.

Dença Silahlı

What does SHKV mean that you wrote on the shelters?

It is the abbreviation of the name of our foundation.

Who have founded SHKV?

We, the 4th grade students, have founded it

What have you done so far as SHKV?

We built shelters, made posters and wrote pamphlets.

What are you going to do with those shelters? 

Everyone will put them in their streets. 

In your opinion, what kind of an influence will this efforts have?

Street animals will have home. Teachers, principals and students from other schools will see our shelters and think, “Karagözyan did this. We have to do something like this.” Thus, there will be more shelters.