TURKEY Being a Syrian Armenian in Istanbul

There is only one Syrian Armenian in Istanbul that I know. Though I know him for one and a half year, I couldn't have managed to learn about his story. And once I learned about it, I thought that his story should be shared.
DIASPORA Will the genocide witness orphanage be a holiday camp?

A holiday camp project in Lebanon caused debates due to the sentimental value of the region. The planned location of the luxury holiday site is the coastal Biblos town in Beirut and the region also includes a cemetery, school and orphanage which belong to genocide survivor Armenians and known as “Bird's Nest”.
TURKEY The consequences of this slander could be grave

The Patriarch responded to the story of Akşam Daily which claimed that Ecumenical Patriarchate backed the coup attempt on July 15. In the written statement sent to Agos, it is said: “The editors of Akşam Daily should have known that this unfounded story, which was published with the purpose of inciting hatred against His Eminence, could lead to grave consequences.”
AGENDA 50 politicians to go on a hunger strike

Starting from September 5, 50 politicians will be on an indefinite hunger strike until they will have contact with PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. Hatip Dicle has read the statement on behalf of HDP, DBP (Democratic Regions Party), KJA (Free Women's Congress), DTK (Democratic Society Congress) and HDK (Peoples' Democratic Congress).
TURKEY Agreement in Jarablus: buffer zone for Turkey, canton for Kurds

Jarablus operation, which was launched against ISIS but also targeted Kurdish military forces, continues. However, some sources claim that the US, Iran and Russia came to an agreement in Jarablus, or northern Syria, and Turkey and PYD accepted the conditions of this agreement. According to this alleged agreement, Turkey will stay in Jarablus and Kurds will be able to connect Kobani and Afrin cantons through Al-Bab.