"Azerbaijan test" for Islamists and nationalists
It is really interesting that while Islamist, centre-leftist and Kurdish politicians condemn Israel for this operation that amounts to genocide, some nationalist accounts, even on social media, have a different tone when it comes to Azerbaijan. To be honest, i think pessimistically. Because there is hostility towards both Arabs and Armenians.
Armenia is on the critical verge
Paşinyan’s making this remarkable statement is not an unexpected circumstance. It is already stated that Azerbaijan is in a novel preparation period to assault for a while. We can also monitor this through Turkish press.
“Whatever cannot be done in constitutional amendment is done”
We talked to Assoc. Prof. Murat Sevinç, a faculty member of Ankara University School of Social Sciences, about the content of the proposed constitutional amendments and their outcomes.
“Van was the epicenter of the earthquake of genocide”
“The Social, Cultural and Economic History of Van and the Region” conference organized by Hrant Dink Foundation was held in Anarad Hığutyun building on November 11 and 12. We talked to Dr. Yektan Türkyılmaz, who was the keynote speaker of the conference, about Van's importance in Armenian and Ottoman history.
“Mosul should have been ours” statement could be explained by expansionism
Mosul and the National Pact(Misak-ı Milli) became a topic of discussion once again. Recently, President Erdoğan said, “Mosul was ours. Read some history. Some people got disturbed because I mentioned the National Pact. Why do you feel disturbed by my history lessons? We are patriotic, that is why.” This statement made the issue a current debate once again. Prof. Dr. Baskın Oran from Ankara University Political Science Department is one of the most knowledgeable scholars concerning Mosul and the National Pact. We spoke to Oran about the course of these two issues throughout the history of republic and their reflections to the present day.
Kerem Altıparmak: “the risk is about the way the state of emergency is practiced”
Declaration of the state of emergency in Turkey caused debates both in Turkey and other countries. We talked to Assistant Prof. Kerem Altıparmak about the recent developments and ongoing debates.
Ahmet İnsel: we are in the middle of the chaos caused by coup process
Though we watched live what happened on July 15, we still don't know exactly how the attempted coup unfolded behind the scenes. There are lots of reports and information about this issue, but they are just too new. We talked to Ahmet İnsel about what happened and the possible developments after the attempted coup.
Yetvart Danzikyan: the coup attempt and its aftermath
Will such an era really start after this kind of a calamity? Let's hope it will. However, there is a good chance that an era, where capital punishment will be back, every opposing protest will be suppressed both by the state and “society” and lynching atmosphere will remain, is coming.