NEWS “'Alevis to the grave, Christians to Beirut' is still a common slogan”

Working in various international human rights associations, Harout Ekmanian made a presentation in "Critical Approaches to Armenian Identity in 21st Century". Being an Armenian from Aleppo, Ekmanian follows the war in Syria as an observer in order to record the violations of rights and war crimes. We talked to Ekmanian about Syria, focusing on the Armenian community in Aleppo, which he knows very well.
NEWS Agreement in Jarablus: buffer zone for Turkey, canton for Kurds

Jarablus operation, which was launched against ISIS but also targeted Kurdish military forces, continues. However, some sources claim that the US, Iran and Russia came to an agreement in Jarablus, or northern Syria, and Turkey and PYD accepted the conditions of this agreement. According to this alleged agreement, Turkey will stay in Jarablus and Kurds will be able to connect Kobani and Afrin cantons through Al-Bab.
NEWS Turkey bombarded PYD

On Saturday, Turkish Military Forces (TSK) fired howitzers from Kilis to the regions around Menagh Airport near Azaz province. Menagh Airport was seized by PYD few days ago.
NEWS Systems conflict in Rojava

Would they prefer continuing their lives by maintaining the rights and status that they gained so far or going on with a new and smaller system, i.e., with a broader presence in Rojava, by demanding those rights all over again? People of Christian communities ask those questions themselves every day.