NEWS Cambodia: Is Justice Possible After Genocide?

In Cambodia I often heard that the particularity of the Cambodian genocide is the fact that “they killed their own people”. They mean by it that Khmer Rouge killed their ethnic kin, other Khmer.
NEWS Tuol Sleng: The Prison-Museum of the Cambodian Genocide

At the entrance of Tuol Sleng, which was known as S-21 prison under the Khmer Rouge, a visitor is faced with a poster that publicized the ten “security regulations” of the prison, in Khmer, with French and English translations. Number six says: “while getting lashes or electrification you must not cry at all.”
ARMENIA Becoming Aram: The Formative Years of a Revolutionary Statesman (1879-1908)

If you had told Aram Manoukian on March 6, 1908, that within a decade he would successfully lead the defense of Van against the Ottoman military, save tens of thousands of Armenians from imminent murder, become the temporary governor of Van after the withdrawal of the Turkish forces, and then emerge as the founder of the First Armenian Republic as Tsarist Russia faltered, he probably would have had a good laugh. After all, that day seemed to usher in the end of Aram’s life as a free man—if not his life altogether—as Turkish policemen and soldiers dragged him out of a 30-foot-deep well where he was hiding with fellow revolutionaries, and escorted the lot of them to the military commander’s residence, where they were interrogated, photographed, and sent to solitary confinement.