AGENDA Turkey from Charlie Hebdo’s viewpoint

Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine that was the target of the armed attack on January 7, had recently also focused on issues related to Turkey. Particularly the Armenian Genocide and the Kurdish Question featured in the pages of the magazine in various contexts.
WORLD Displays of solidarity across the world: “We are all Charlie”

The attack carried out on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo continues to be widely condemned. Solidarity messages on social media have used the hashtag #JeSuisCharlie while the National Union of French Journalists called for a vigil in the name of press freedom and democracy at 5 PM local time at the Place de la Republique, Paris.
WORLD 2014: Bloodiest year so far in Syria

According to the report released by the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, 2014 has been the bloodiest year in the civil war in Syria that began in March 2011. According to the report, 76,021 people lost their lives in Syria in 2014.
AGENDA Turkey’s ‘100th Anniversary action plan’

Declarations made at the 7th Ambassadors Conference have revealed Turkey’s ‘action plan’ for the 100th anniversary of the Genocide. According to the plan, the ‘leaving the issue to historians’ thesis will once again take centre stage, and church renovations will be underlined. Foreign commission members state that they will carry out ‘stunning’ lobbying efforts abroad.
AGENDA “Armenian Question no wild card”

Speaking at a symposium, Archbishop Aram Ateşyan, Deputy Patriarch of Turkey Armenians said “It is high time to stop the Armenian Question being used across international platforms as a wild card, as the Joker in a card deck”.
WORLD Secret Ankara-Paris correspondence prior to cancellation of denial law

Secret electronic correspondence related to the ‘Genocide Law’ that was cancelled by the Constitutional Council of France after being accepted by the Parliament of France has been published. The correspondence between former AKP Member of Parliament Yaşar Yakış and member of the Constitutional Council of France Hubert Haenel have fanned the flames about the debate over the activities of the Turkish lobby in France.