German publishers’ campaign for supporting independent media in Turkey
Umbrella organization of German publishers and booksellers “German Publishers and Booksellers Association” launched a funding campaign for newspapers and news portals that are working under difficult conditions in Turkey.
Cumhuriyet: imagined accusations and aspersions in the indictment
The indictment against 5 jailed writers of Cumhuriyet daily is completed after 5 months. Today, Cumhuriyet daily stated that the elements of crime in the indictment consist of news articles and tweets and demanded immediate release.
Constitutional amendments in five questions by Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch (HRW) accessed the constitutional amendments that will be voted on April 16 in terms of human rights, rule of law, independence of judiciary, separation of powers, checks and balances, international law and parliament's role.
Explosion in St. Petersburg metro: at least 10 dead
At least ten people have been killed in twin explosions in St. Petersburg metro.
HDP: 76 prisoners are on hunger strike
HDP Prison Committee stated that 76 prisoners in six prisons are on hunger strike indefinitely and without taking turns.
“We believe that Trump will support Christian autonomous region in Iraq”
Chair of American Mesopotamia Organisation David William Lazar actively worked in Donald Trump's presidential campaign and was on the advisory committee for the American MidEast Coalition for Trump. Lazar answered our questions concerning the situation of Christian minorities in Iraq and Syria and US policies for Middle East and migration that changed with Trump administration.
“Cast your votes like you hit the giaour” debate
AKP Bursa MP Hayrettin Çakmak deleted his social media entry because of pressure and reactions. Archpriest Tatul Anuşyan also criticized Çakmak
Amnesty International: civilians are not protected in Mosul
Amnesty International stated that Iraqi security forces and US-led military coalition haven't taken adequate precautions for protecting civilians during the offensive to recapture the city of Mosul from ISIS and violated international law.
Towards the end in the struggle of genocide monument in Switzerland
Swiss Court dismissed the last objections concerning the Armenian Genocide monument that is planned to be built in Geneva.
“Both Nazism accusation and Hitler comparison are wrong”
Israeli scholar Efrat Aviv's work titled “antisemitism and anti-Zionism in Turkey from Ottoman era to AKP”, which she was working on since 2012, is published as a book recently. Teaching at Middle Eastern Studies Department of Bar Ilan University, Aviv also presented the extensive survey that she conducted for the book published by Routledge Publishing to the readers and researchers. We talked to Aviv about antisemitism in Turkey.