AGENDA İdris Baluken arrested again

Released on January 30, HDP Diyarbakir MP İdris Baluken was detained in Ankara yesterday. After being referred to the court, he is arrested again.
AGENDA HDP appeals to ECHR for arrested co-chairs

HDP appealed to European Court of Human Rights for its arrested co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ. The ground of the application is the violation of right to free election and the fact that Turkish Constitutional Court doesn't carry out any examination.
TURKEY Zarokistan closed down

Creating an education model with its Kurdish curriculum, day care centers named Zarokistan were closed down, after a trustee was assigned to Kayapınar Municipality. Covenanted employees are dismissed.
MINORITIES Lom or Bosha people from past to present

Meline Anumyan from Research Center for Studies of Western Armenians' Problems published her study on Lom (Bosha) people in Artvin and Rize. Visitng Artvin and Rize on November 2016, Anumyan's work is based on Lom people's current way of life and perception of their identities. We talked to Anumyan about Lom people who are unknown by many people.
TURKEY Genocide and

Zoryan Institute issued a response to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu who suggested “a joint comission” after the decisions that have been made in France and Denmark concerning 1915.