Why do 'bad guys' always flee to Armenia?
It was declared that the wanted prosecutors Zekeriya Öz and Celal Kara went to Germany, but their Armenia adventure is still considered as a given fact. Alin Ozinian traces the “fleeing to Armenia” perception in Turkish official authorities and media.
A survival story from Aleppo to İzmir
21 years old law student Claudia Brounsouzian first went to Mersin with her mother. Then, she went to Cyprus and tried to go to Europe from there. However, she couldn’t have managed to go to Southern Cyprus and because of that, she returned to Turkey; but this time, she went to İzmir. We talked to Brounsouzian about her story of migration from Aleppo to Turkey.
Robert Fisk: The Syrian War has occupied Turkey
In a recent article, Robert Fisk, the senior Middle East correspondent of the Independent compared Turkey to Pakistan in the 1980s and said that the recent air bombardment was no surprise given that all powers in the region have betrayed the Kurds. We spoke to Fisk both about the details of the matters he touches on in his article, and whether power balances have changed in the Middle East. Fisk comments that Turkey has become a market place and when seen from this perspective there are more important issues at stake besides whether or not Turkey will enter the war in Syria: “I believe that Syria has started penetrating Turkey. Suruç is an example of this. From this view, the Syrian War but not the Syrians have occupied Turkey. It is not the reverse.”
Civil society organizations voice concern: War is not a solution
Following the Suruç Massacre, and the murder of two police officers in Ceylanpınar, military operations and clashes have resumed. A wave of police operations across Turkey continues. İHD (Human Rights Association) has announced that 41 people lost their lives in the week from 21 to 28 July, and that 1038 people have been detained. Reports of deaths continue to come in every day. President Erdoğan’s demand that the HDP MPs’ parliamentary immunity be lifted has caused further alarm. Human rights organizations and civil society organizations have expressed deep concern regarding recent developments.
Demirtaş: “We will not allow you to drag this country into a civil war”
HDP Co-Chairperson Selahattin Demirtaş has responded to journalists’ questions regarding operations targeting the PKK and ISIS.
Peace March banned
Rally planned for Sunday in Istanbul by Barış Bloku, the Peace Block, has been banned by the Istanbul Governorate.
PKK and ISIS camps bombed
Turkish Armed Forces fighter jets departing from the Diyarbakır 8th Main Jet Base have targeted PKK camps located within the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq.
The story of a photograph
A selfie of three friends, Ezgi Sadet, Polen Ünlü and Dilan, taken at the celebrations in Bakırköy following HDP’s success in the general election when it won 80 seats in parliament, has become widely shared on social media following the Suruç Massacre.
Լաւ չենք, լաւ պիտի չըլլանք*
(*We are not well, we shall not be well)
Paylan: “The target was the solidarity between Turkey’s west and Kobani”
HDP Istanbul Member of Parliament Garo Paylan, speaking to Agos about the bomb attack in Suruç, reminded that the building that was targeted was a crisis centre for solidarity with Kobane, adding, “This solidarity was targeted today”.