Turkey calls back Vatican Ambassador Paçacı
Pope Francis’s use of the word ‘Genocide’ during Vatican mass commemorating 100th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide triggers crisis in Ankara.
Pope: Armenian Genocide was first genocide of the 20th century
Pope Francis uses the expression ‘Genocide’ during mass held in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
April 24 Istanbul and Diyarbakır commemoration programs announced
The 100th Anniversary End to Denial Initiative has announced its Genocide Commemoration Program for Istanbul and Diyarbakır.
Call for ‘zero discrimination’ on International Roma Day
DurDe (Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism Initiative) and the Sıfır Ayrımcılık/Zero Discrimination Association called for a struggle against the discrimination of Roma on April 8, International Roma Day.
Investigation launched against conscientious objection site
An investigation has been launched against the web site www. askeregitmeyin .com (don’t do your military service) on charges of ‘alienating the public from military service, and there are reports that the 381 people who contributed to the book are also being investigated.
Armenia Human Rights Ombudsman: Torture continues
Karen Andreasian, Armenia Human Rights Ombudsman, has stated in his annual report that serious human rights violations continued in Armenia.
ISIS attacks on Easter: Assyrian Village Church bombed
The attack on the church took place this morning (April 6).
Turkey: Blanket ban against Twitter and YouTube
Access to Twitter, YouTube and Facebook has been banned across Turkey in the most comprehensive access blockage on social networks so far.
Massive blackout leads to resignation
Minister of Energy Taner Yıldız has announced that the General Director of TEİAŞ (Turkey Electricity Transmission Company) has resigned following the massive 9-hour countrywide blackout on 31 March 2015.
Bilgi University makes Armenian Genocide conference statement, conference team responds
İstanbul Bilgi University has made a statement regarding the blocking of the conference titled “The Armenian Genocide: Concepts and Comparative Perspectives” planned to be held at the university on April 26.