CHURCHES What do young Armenians expect from the patriarch?

On October 26, the Clerical Assembly of the Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey decided to superannuated Patriarch Mesrob II, paving the way for the process of election which has been expected for a long time. We asked young Armenians, who have never voted before, about their expectations, criticisms and assessment concerning the patriarchal election.
CHURCHES Mutafyan superannuated, election on the way

The Clerical Assembly of the Patriarchate of Turkey decided to superannuate the Patriarch Mesrob II on the ground that he has been unable to perform his duty for 7 years. It is announced that there will be an application for starting the election process.
CHURCHES Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

A historical event happened in 7th century (628) is the source of celebration of Khachverats (the Exaltation of the Holy Cross), which is one of the five major holidays of our church. Before the feast that will be celebrated in our churches on Sunday, it is better to remember the historical background.
CHURCHES “Right to vote cannot be violated”

A group of people from different circles of Armenian society gathered in front of the Patriarchate and demand a patriarchal election, which couldn’t have been done for 8 years. The group placed a black wreath on the door.