ŞAPGİR Anatomy of Disappearance of a Community

Vahakn Keshishian from Aleppo, writes that why Aleppo Armenian community that has a very rich community life in the time of rest cannot transform such a communal power into a solidarity movement and how it comes on the verge of disappearance.
GÜNCEL A Note of Comeback: The Assassination of Wisam Al Hasan

If the assassination of Wisam al Hasan perpetrated by the Syrian government or its Lebanese allies, then its timing is set to a date that the international community and regional forces will not directly condemn them because they have expectations concerning the coming ceasefire.
GÜNCEL The Memory Remains in Aleppo

After the shelling of Aleppo that almost destroyed the entire Old City, our friend Vahakn Keşişyan who is an Aleppine himself, poured his heart out: 'When I saw the photos of the Al Jabri Square after the bombings, and especially the Al Siyahi Hotel photos, I knew that only my memories remained.'